High Priority

RSLP - Psychiatry Specialist needed for Lady Minto Gulf Islands Hospital

Role and Facility Information

Looking for 4 days of psychiatry coverage for Mental Health and Substance Use Team in Feb, preferably Tues to Fri.

Thank you!


Coverage Information

Coverage Dates - Flexible

Feb 11 2025 to Feb 14 2025
Regular Scheduled Office Hours
No No

About the Clinic

Clinic Description

Clinic Composition

1 nurse team lead, 2 counsellors, 2 nurses, 1 Social Worker with focus working with local primary care practices, 1 Nurse Practitioner (currently posted) and 1 administrative assistant.

Local Resources

Mental Health, ED, Primary Care.

Emergency Framework

There is an emergency department staffed 24/7/365 at Lady Minto Hospital as well as BC Ambulance Support.

Call Expectations

TBD (Note: we will not be requesting that locums provide call coverage).

CME Schedule

Strong local CME program more towards GPs with simulation days, visiting speakers and remote learning. Past topics include presentations by BCCSU on updated Addictions Medicine Protocols, presentations by visiting Child Psychiatry etc.

Visiting Specialist/Consultant Information

Salt Spring island has a small visiting specialist program including Geriatric Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry and Geriatric Medicine. OT, PT, Dietician etc.

EMR Information

EMR System

Documentation using Cerner with dictation support for Psychiatry.

What training is provided for the EMR System

Onsite support with staff, remote support through Island Health.

Level of Support/Care and Policy

Welcoming Procedures

Locums to Salt Spring are typically welcomed by a member of the local Medical community and provided with some basic information about Salt Spring Island. As visiting locum psychiatry services become established, we anticipate learning and refining the welcome. The local team is very excited to welcome and support visitors.


The Team Leader will provide an orientation to the MHSU team and clinic while a Site Director or local GP will offer a tour of the Hospital alongside the Site Director.

Social Involvement

Local GPs will often host a small welcome event for visiting locums and there are ample opportunities for social inclusion within the community.

Clinic Policy

Nothing specific to mention here. The ED does not prescribe opioids.

Accommodation and Transportation

The clinic does provide accommodation.

Accommodation Description

Island Health MHSU will provide accommodation at a local hotel or accommodation provider consistent with RSLP policy and based on availability. Alternately, contact LRBC travel team to assist: Email: travel@locumsruralbc.ca or Tel: 1-877-357-4757.

Most Convenient Mode of Transportation

Getting to the community is by ferry via car. There are ferry connections via Sydney, Crofton and Tsawassen. Seaplane connections are via Maple Bay, downtown Vancouver or Vancouver Airport.

Closest Amenities

Grocery Store

There are two grocery stores on Salt Spring Island, in addition to seasonal farm stands and markets.

Community Centre

Outdoor pool, baseball fields, soccer fields, a bowling alley, tennis courts, fitness gyms, 2 golf courses and yoga studios. Salt Spring has several gyms as well as a large indoor pool.

Other Closest Amenities

Salt Spring has two banks, a credit union, two gas stations and a vibrant Ganges core with a range of products and services. Most needs can be met on island. There are a number of community hubs and venues scattered across the island.